Healing Practices

  • Reiki is an ancient Japanese energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and healing. It works by clearing energy blockages and restoring balance to your chakras, helping your body return to its most aligned, stress-free state. Sessions begin with a discussion about your current life challenges, such as sleep issues, anxiety, or physical ailments. Reiki can be conducted in person or remotely, as everything is energy.

    For added clarity, I may also pull cards from various decks to further identify where energy is out of balance.

  • Accunect is a powerful energy healing modality that combines principles of traditional Eastern medicine with modern neuroscience. It provides a clear path to understanding and shifting blocked energy layers through tapping. During sessions, we start with a conversation about what’s happening in your life, and I use Accunect to identify the energetic layers ready to shift. This process helps your body realign and move towards a more balanced state.

    Accunect can be done in person or remotely, offering fast, effective, and enlightening healing experiences that reveal the root causes of imbalance.

  • Human Design provides a blueprint to understand the contract your soul made with the Universe—who you are, what you came to do, and the karma you're here to address. It reveals your genetic predispositions, helping you navigate life with ease and authenticity, without exhausting yourself by forcing things.

    This system combines insights from the Hindu chakras, the Chinese I Ching, astrology, and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life to offer a unique guide to your life. Human Design helps you recognize your natural strengths and vulnerabilities, showing you how to align with your true self and live life in flow, rather than against it.

    By decoding your design, you learn how to navigate life with energetic balance, make decisions, manifest your desires, and understand the gifts you were given. It also sheds light on where societal conditioning may have led you away from your true path, opening up an entirely new way of being.

My Values

  • Strong Support: Providing steadfast assistance, encouragement, and guidance to individuals throughout their healing journey, ensuring they feel upheld and empowered.

  • Nurturing Care: Offering tender and compassionate attention to each individual's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, fostering an environment of warmth, acceptance, and growth.

  • Empathy: Understanding and sharing in the feelings, experiences, and perspectives of others, cultivating deep connection and rapport to facilitate healing and transformation.

  • Holding Space: Creating a safe, non-judgmental container for individuals to explore and process their emotions, thoughts, and experiences without fear or inhibition, allowing for profound healing and self-discovery.

  • Active Listening: Fully engaging with individuals by attentively and empathetically receiving and comprehending their words, emotions, and energies, fostering mutual understanding and trust.

  • Practicing What I Preach: Aligning my actions, beliefs, and values with the principles of Reiki and holistic healing, embodying authenticity, integrity, and self-awareness in every aspect of my life and practice.

  • Trust in the Body's Innate Healing Capabilities: Believing in the inherent wisdom and resilience of the body, recognizing its innate ability to restore balance, harmony, and vitality when supported and nurtured through holistic healing modalities like Reiki.

Two hands placed in a delicate, but uplifting position. These hands are tan skin with patches of lighter skin, possibly due to birth marks or vitiligo.

My services

Traditional Reiki Healing
Providing hands-on or distant Reiki energy healing to balance the recipient’s energy fields, reduce stress, and promote relaxation and overall well-being. Sessions may focus on specific physical, emotional, or spiritual issues.

Energy Cleansing

Performing energy cleansing for individuals, from negative or stagnant energy from relationships centered around the home, office, or community. This service is often used to create a more positive, harmonious environment.

Chakra Balancing
Focusing specifically on balancing and aligning the chakras, the seven primary energy centers in the body, to improve energy flow and address imbalances that may be causing physical or emotional distress.

Human Design Reading
A personalized analysis that blends astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakras to provide insights into your unique energy blueprint. It helps you understand your strengths, challenges, and optimal ways to make decisions, navigate life, and align with your true self.

Healing Experiences.

  • “I love Siri’s work! Her Reiki is loving and present and insightful, and the sessions are always so synchronous! I am so grateful for the transformations she has held space for me to go through. I feel like I have faced my shadows with such love and gratitude instead of fear and judgment, courtesy of her gentle guidance!"

    Danielle F.

  • “Working with Siri has changed my life. That is a bold statement, but it's so true. She has opened my eyes to what is underneath that is causing me discomfort, stress, and insecurity. When you begin a session with Siri she instantly brings you to a calm place, simply with her presence."

    Lyndsay S.

  • “Wow. The human design reading was incredibly helpful for understanding how I operate. It validated my struggles and showed me how to work with my strengths and weaknesses to maximize my energy throughout the days and weeks, increasing my sense of happiness and fulfillment.”

    Angel C.